One buxom blonde wench at a Prestigious University
Was accorded by suitors such paramount courtesy,
And bestowed with jewels and currencies and gold
For the libidinous commodities she bartered and sold.
( To finance her studies and tutorial fees )
Men would petition brief fraternity on suppliant knees
For sanction to worship the Goddess twix her thighs,
To deify with kisses, with submissive obeisance idolise.
For infinite hours Lothario’s would loiter and await
To pay levied homage at the Altar of her Jade Gate.
But of illustrious renown was her esteemed coital ability,
Whose source lay in a phenomenal pelvic agility,
With athletic vaginal muscles trained to undulate and seize,
She possessed a genital organ with the strength of Hercules.
‘Twas also widely rumoured, though perhaps factually wrong,
She provided oral ecstasy with her Serpentine tongue.
Such were the vast remuneration’s from this part-time profession
She would visit her depository after each lascivious session,
And upon achieving graduation, of summa cum laude rank,
Purchased, in cold hard cash, her very own merchant bank.
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